my blog Rn. Rahmadini Riwandi

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

WOMAN'S HIJABER by Rn. Rahmadini Riwandi

at Raya Mosque, Medan,Indonesia.
The times when Ramadhan has come, I hold an event about portrait of Ramadhan, so I'll chose an oldest mosque in town.

at my house, kelapa gading Medan,Indonesia
same as the previous photos, i was taken when Ramadhan has come, but in 2011

BIRTHDAY PARTY by Rn. Rahmadini Riwandi

at Medan Club, Medan, Indonesia
I'm not get a paid this time. I just came on my friends Birthday. I get a place near a stage, so when she upstair on a stage, I prepare my camera and I get it.

MUSIC BAND by Rn. Rahmadini Riwandi

she's my friend Rifany Saragih, I take this picture when her band "blue sunshine" to be a guest star in my friends birthday party.

Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

MODELS by : Maya with Tiara

at JCO coffee shop SUN Plaza Medan, Indonesia
Big thanks for Maya and Tiara, you've been my models today.


acctually, I forgot what their name. but I'm so thanks with you guys. they're first of Pre Wedding job.
hope you happily ever after.


Big thanks to all my client, Boris and Ria, Oyak and Bayu, with Dina and Roni.